• 10/23/2023

PARTEC gets new chairperson for 2025

New chair for PARTEC 2025: At the close of the highly successful PARTEC 2023, Professor Lutz Mädler from the Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering (IWT) and the University of Bremen took up the baton from Professor Arno Kwade from the Institute for Particle Technology at the Technical University of Braunschweig.

Professor Arno Kwade hands over the chairmanship of PARTEC to his successor Professor Lutz Mädler
As the new congress chair, Lutz Mädler will work with the Executive Committee to implement and develop the concept for the scientific congress for particle technology. PARTEC 2025 will take place at Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 23–25 September 2025 alongside POWTECH TECHNOPHARM, the international processing trade fair.

PARTEC is one of the largest international scientific congresses devoted to all aspects of particle and powder technology. This includes particle formation processes, particle characterisation and measuring methods and equipment, processes like agglomeration, compaction and coating, formulation and performance of products, and applications for particles of all kinds. PARTEC made its debut in Nuremberg around 50 years ago as the first congress in the NürnbergMesse portfolio. Accordingly, NürnbergMesse CEO Peter Ottmann greeted the participants in the 2023 event with the words “Welcome home!”.

The next round of PARTEC will be held at Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 23–25 September 2025 and will be co-located with POWTECH TECHNOPHARM, the international trade fair for the processing of powders, solids and liquids. Professor Lutz Mädler, the Director of the Leibniz Institute of Materials Engineering (IWT) and a professor at the University of Bremen, has taken on the role of chair for 2025. He will develop the concept for PARTEC 2025 in collaboration with the Executive Committee. “We are already very much looking forward to carrying the passion for particle technology palpable at this year’s event through to PARTEC 2025,” said Mädler at the official handing-over ceremony. He cited artificial intelligence, automation, battery production and recycling as some of the key topics for 2025. “My team and I are already looking forward tremendously to 2025 and our collaboration with POWTECH TECHNOPHARM,” said Mädler in his closing remarks.

Ljuba Woppowa, managing director of the VDI Association of Process and Chemical Engineering (GVC), the institutional sponsor of PARTEC, also underlined the globally unique pairing of PARTEC and POWTECH TECHNOPHARM, and joined with organizers NürnbergMesse to thank the previous chair, Professor Arno Kwade from the Institute for Particle Technology at the Technical University of Braunschweig, for his services to PARTEC 2023, particularly for his focus on emerging young talent.

PARTEC 2023 – particle technology research of the highest calibre

This year, 509 delegates from 25 countries flocked to PARTEC to enjoy more than 300 lectures and 150 poster presentations over the three days of the congress. As well as the top-class lectures and keynotes, including presentations by BASF and Nestlé and the winners of highly endowed scientific awards, delegates enjoyed a poster exhibition, awards ceremony and panel sessions and made the most of the various networking opportunities at both PARTEC and POWTECH.


PARTEC is one of the world’s most important scientific congresses for research and development in particle technology. The English-language congress brings together scientists and engineers from all around the world and covers topics like particle formation, agglomeration and coating processes, and various industrial applications for particles. PARTEC is co-located in Nuremberg with POWTECH TECHNOPHARM, the leading trade fair for the processing, handling and manufacture of powders, solids and liquids.

The international congress for particle technology is organised by NürnbergMesse and sponsored by the VDI Association of Process and Chemical Engineering (GVC). The event is also supported by numerous other international associations and organisations.


VDI Wissensforum GmbH
P.O. Box 10 11 39
40002 Düsseldorf, Germany
T   +49 211 6214-429/-201
T   +49 211 6214-429/-201

NürnbergMesse GmbH
Exhibition Centre
90471 Nuremberg, Germany
PARTEC Project Team
T   +49 911 86 06-89 40

VDI Association of Process and Chemical Engineering, Düsseldorf, Germany


Felicia Postler
Felicia Postler
Press team PARTEC
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